Stacks of cds, records, and other mounds of sound reviewed by current and alumni members of the Alpha Delta chapter of Phi Kappa Tau. We have diverse backgrounds, varied tastes, and a shared appreciation of music.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Let it Die - Feist

Leslie Feist's major label debut is eclectic, relaxed, and musically deep. Feist's greatest strength is her voice which isn't technically perfect but provides a unique, and versatile sound. She slides from acoustic pop, to jazz, and techno tinged disco covers. It's positively delightful.

The single Mushaboom is a pooped up treatment of the albums typically sparse, but thought provoking soundscapes. There are layers of tracks but the arrangements leave ample space instead of forming a collage. I'm a fan of both approaches, and find that there's considerable strength in this recording. Its one of those records that's guaranteed to grow on me in time. Not on any objective merit but because of some subtle awesomeness.

Rating: 3.5/5
Top Track: Mushaboom and Leisure Suite I'm not deciding.
Reason to Buy: You want danceier Madeleine Peyroux
Reasons Not to Buy this Album: You're still clinging to your freedom fries and a hatred of all things French.


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