Stacks of cds, records, and other mounds of sound reviewed by current and alumni members of the Alpha Delta chapter of Phi Kappa Tau. We have diverse backgrounds, varied tastes, and a shared appreciation of music.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hymn of the Seventh Galaxy - Return to Forever Featuring Chick Corea

There was a time in the early 70s when the drugs were good, and jazz launched upwards into space. Hymn of the Seventh Galaxy captures that time well. On this record, return to forever sound a bit like one would expect Boston to sound if Boston was in fact a jazz band. Band leader and keyboardist Chick Corea composed 5 of the albums 6 pieces and manages to blend soaring guitars with dissonant and exploratory keyboards. It's sublime moments of weirdness are entirely captivating.

I'm not sure I'd recommend the disc for road tripping, but I can say that the back roads of New Haven made a lot of sense while I cruised about listing to this track. And it was in broad daylight, on a Sunday when all the bars were closed.

Rating: 4/5 - It's awesome, but no longer earth shattering
Top Track: Captain Senor Mouse
Reason to Buy: Your lava lamp is looking to breed.
Reasons Not to Buy this Album: You can't stomach any of your money going to Support Scientology. Corea speaks no ill of L. Ron Hubbard.


Blogger Mark said...

I have this in vinyl. Or, I might have this in vinyl. It was one of the LPs I picked up from the curb up on South Overlook with a few friends I lived with last year during spring finals. We distributed them amongst ourselves, I kept about a box full (say, 50-80 of them), and we left the rest to the other Tippit residents, who promptly used them for frisbees and they were then confiscated by res life. Ah, undergrad.

11:18 AM


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